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Drawing With D3.js Part 2: Zooming and Panning
This post adds features to the drawing app that we started in part 1. In particular, we’re going to make it easy to zoom and pan the canvas. Again D3.js will simplify our job substantially. In fact, there is a built-in feature/command (d3-zoom) that would ordinarily allow us to zoom with a scrolling/pinching gesture and pan with a click-and-drag gesture. The main wrinkle that we’re going to encounter is that the click-and-drag gesture is already taken: we click and drag to add rectangles. Our job, then, will consist in figuring out a way to juggle competing event listeners.
Here’s what we’re going to create:
Click + drag
→ Add rectangle.Shift + Click + Drag
→ Pan Canvas.scroll
→ Zoom.See the full sample code at this gist.
As you can see from the demo, we’re going to implement canvas panning by making it into a Shift + Click + Drag
gesture. To do this, we’re going to add some new code and reorganize some of our earlier code. In particular we’ll:
- Introduce a zoom
roup element that nests all elements that are subsequently added to the canvas. We’ll carry out zooming and panning by transforming this element. - Add a
behavior to the canvas. We’ll need to turn on the scroll gestures and turn off event listeners for the pan behavior. - Modify the
behavior on the canvas to route drag gestures. If the shift key is pressed, then the canvas should pan. If it is not, then a new rectangle should be created.
Let’s get to it.
Restructuring the Event Listeners
In the previous post I added an event listener for a click-and-drag gesture using off-the-shelf methods from d3. For this post I’m going to need to dig a bit deeper into these methods to get the behavior that I want.
Drag Routing
Recall that we specified a drag behavior via something like this:
.on('start', self.dragBehavior.start)
.on('drag', self.dragBehavior.drag)
.on('end', self.dragBehavior.end)
In the previous post we specified that our dragBehavior
methods were from SVGCAnvas.addRect
. That is, at the start of the drag we called the code to create the rectangle and as we dragged the the .drag
method changed the rectangle dimensions.
For this post we need to differentiate between a “vanilla drag” and a drag in which the shift key is compressed. To do this we’ll create an additional set of methods (stored in SVGCanvas.dragBehavior
) that will route the drag behavior. Here’s some pseudo-code demonstrating the basic idea:
dragBehavior = function() {
if ( Detect no shift key ) {
// Add and modify a rectangle
if ( Detect shift key ) {
// Pan the Canvas
In short, we’re nesting an event listener in an event listener. The exact code is as follows:
1 SVGCanvas.prototype.makeDragBehavior = function() {
2 var self = this;
4 var start = function() {
5 if (!d3.event.sourceEvent.shiftKey) {
6 self.addRect.start();
7 }
8 if (d3.event.sourceEvent.shiftKey) {
9 null;
10 }
11 }
13 var drag = function() {
14 if (!(self.Rect.r === null) && !(d3.event.sourceEvent.shiftKey)) {
15 self.addRect.drag();
16 }
17 if (d3.event.sourceEvent.shiftKey) {
18 self.zoomPan.pan();
19 }
20 }
22 var end = function() { if (!(self.Rect.r === null) &
23 !(d3.event.sourceEvent.shiftKey)) { self.addRect.end(); } if
24 (d3.event.sourceEvent.shiftKey) { null; } }
26 self.dragBehavior = {
27 start: start,
28 drag: drag,
29 end: end
30 };
31 }
The d3.event.sourceEvent.shiftKey
returns true
if the shift key is compressed.
There are a number of other such properties for the alt key, etc.
If the key is compressed, then–in the drag
method–we call a new method called self.zoomPan.pan
. This is the method that we will use to pan the canvas; it will be discussed further below. When defining the drag
and end
methods we have the additional condition !(self.Rect.r === null)
. This condition checks for an edge case.
To be specific, the case arises if the user 1.) Clicks down while holding the shift key, 2.) releases the shift key but not the click, and 3.) drags. Without the condition the addRect.drag
method would either be called on the last rectangle created–changing the coordinates of that rectangle–or (in the case where no rectangles have been created) we would get an error.
As was the case with the SVGCanvas.addRect
methods, I have defined an enclosing method SVGCanvas.makeDragBehavior
in order to define the methods and set the context. This method will have to be called from the SVGCanvas
constructor function.
Zoom Listener
The zoom listener is going to be less elaborate than the drag listener but we’ll still have to dig into the d3.zoom
api a bit. Here’s the code that we need to add to the SVGCanvas
constructor object:
1 this.svg.call(
2 d3.zoom()
3 .scaleExtent([1, 10])
4 .on('zoom', this.zoomPan.zoom)
5 )
6 .on('mousedown.zoom', null) // For rodent lovers
7 .on('mousemove.zoom', null)
8 .on('mouseup.zoom', null)
9 .on('touchstart.zoom', null) // For our smartphone-toting friends
10 .on('touchmove.zoom', null)
11 .on('touchend.zoom', null);
As with the drag
behavior, we add a call
to the svg
element. Lines 2-4 specify a “normal” zoom operation. That is, it attaches a zoom behavior with d3.zoom()
. With .scaleExtent([1, 10])
we modify the zoom behavior so that the minimal zoom is “1” and the maximal zoom is “10”.
We’ll get into what exactly “1” and “10” mean below. In short, this is the number that enters the scale(#)
specification in the transform
Finally, line 4 attaches a method this.zoomPan.zoom
(discussed below) that will be used to zoom in and out.
In lines 6-11 we are basically undoing a lot of the default behavior of d3.zoom
. Usually, d3.zoom
is a method for both panning and zooming. We need to override the default panning behavior in order to route drag events to our homespun drag behavior. Let’s break down line 6 in detail. In general, the .on([event], [callback])
method specifies what should occur (the callback) whenever an event is detected on an element. Here, mousedown.zoom
is a special sort of event: a “mousedown” (i.e. downward click) associated with the zoom event (which we’ve just defined). The default behavior in this case is to start a canvas pan that would override all other mousedown events. Here, however, we specify the callback to be null
. That is, we specify that these events should be ignored. Each of lines 7-11 similarly null
ify other event listeners associated with d3.zoom
The Zoom Group and Transformations
In this section I’m going to set up some new infrastructure to make zooming simple. We’re going to start out by wrapping everything in a <g>
roup element. By manipulating the transform
attribute of the <g>
element we’ll be able to translate, rotate, scale, or skew all of the elements contained in the <g>
element simultaneously. Next, we’re going to need to make some modifications to account for the fact that transforming the canvas messes up our coordinate system. We’re going to need to modify our method for detecting the mouse position
This is the previously-trivial mouseOffset
to account for this.
Aside: <g transform="transpose(30,2) scale(2)">
While I briefly introduced the <g>
element in the last post, I didn’t do anything with it. <g>
elements are sort of like <div>
s for SVGs. They don’t really do anything, they just organize elements into, well, groups. Groups are uniquely well-suited for transformations. Here is the basic gameplan: We’ll define a group and place all of our other elements within it. For example:
<svg height="250" width="250">
<g class="zoom-group">
<rect x="94" y="112" width="160" height="120" class="rect-main"></rect>
<rect x="186" y="178" width="144" height="76" class="rect-main"></rect>
<rect x="132" y="148" width="88" height="60" class="rect-main"></rect>
Now, we can translate, scale, skew, or rotate all of these elements simultaneously by manipulating the transform
attribute of <g class="zoom-group">
. Consider:
<svg height="250" width="250">
<g class="zoom-group" transform="translate(-128,-80) scale(2)">...</g>
Here, we’ve:
- Shifted/
d the canvas:- 128 units to the right (i.e. leftward mouse movement).
- 80 units to the down (i.e. upward mousemovemt).
- Zoomed/
d the canvas so that the elements inside the group are displayed at twice their ordinary size.
Panning and zooming affects all elements in the canvas. However, only the
attribute of the <g>
element changes. Notice that the <rect>
element does not change.
The transform
attribute is quite powerful but also rather complicated. Refer to the Mozilla reference page or this nice write-up by Sara Soueidan for more information.
Zoom Group: Implementation
Let’s add a zoom group to the SVGCanvas
function SVGCanvas(options) {
// Previous...
// Canvas
//// Make the main container SVG
this.svg = d3.select(this.options.addTo)
.attr('height', this.options.h)
.attr('width', this.options.w)
.attr('class', 'display-svg');
//// Add border if requested <= NOT INCLUDED IN ZOOM GROUP
if (this.options.addBorderRect) {
.attr('height', this.options.h)
.attr('width', this.options.w)
.attr('stroke', 'black')
.attr('stroke-width', 4)
.attr('opacity', 0.25)
.attr('fill-opacity', 0.0)
.attr('class', 'border-rect');
//// Add zoom and pan group
this.zoomG = this.svg
.attr('class', 'zoom-group');
// Rectangles
// More...
Here, we’ve append a <g>
element to this.svg
and defined a new property, this.zoomG
. Notice that we don’t include the border rectangle element in the zoom group. Thus, any transformations that are applied to the zoom group will not affect the border rectangle, which is what we want.
We do want the rectangles that we draw to be affected by the transformations, however. To do this, we need to modify the SVGCanvas.addRect.start
method so that the new <rect>
elements are appended to the zoom group element rather than the <svg>
. We can do this by changing line 11 below:
1 SVGCanvas.prototype.makeAddRect = function() {
2 // Methods for adding rectangles to the svg.
3 var self = this;
4 start = function() {
5 //Add a rectangle
6 // 1. Get mouse location in SVG
7 var m = self.mouseOffset();
8 self.Rect.x0 = m.x;
9 self.Rect.y0 = m.y;
10 // 2. Make a rectangle
11 self.Rect.r = self.zoomG // <= self.zoomG, NOT self.svg
12 .append('g')
13 .append('rect')
14 .attr('x', self.Rect.x0)
15 .attr('y', self.Rect.y0)
16 .attr('width', 1)
17 .attr('height', 1)
18 .attr('class', 'rect-main')
19 ;
20 }
22 // More ...
23 }
That’s it!
Mouse Coordinates
The main thing to be aware of here is that all of this panning and zooming business will mess with your attempts to detect where the mouse click occurs. The problem is twofold: First, you want to use the mouse position to specify the location of the added rectangles relative to a single, common coordinate system. That is, a rectangle should have the same x/y and height/width attributes whether it is drawn at 2x zoom with a bunch of panning or 1x zoom. Second, we want the information/drawing that appears on the screen to reflect whatever screwy, transformed coordinate system we’re currently working in.
The manual way of doing this is to get the mouse coordinates off of the d3.event
object and scale and shift them:
SVGCanvas.prototype.mouseOffset = function() {
var m = d3.event;
m.x = (-this.transform.x + m.x) / this.transform.k;
m.y = (-this.transform.y + m.y) / this.transform.k;
return m;
Here, this.transform
is an SVGCanvas
property (discussed below). The x
, y
, and k
properties map to transform="translate(x, y) scale(k)"
from the <g>
I’m keeping this code around because it may come in handy later.
We can do this coordinate transform automatically by making use of the d3.mouse
SVGCanvas.prototype.mouseOffset = function() {
return d3.mouse(this.zoomG.node());
Here, an array (rather than object) is returned with entries [x, y]
. The coordinates are automatically transformed relative to the specified element: the zoom group <g>
) element. Notice that I have called this.zoomG.node()
. The .node()
method returns the HTML block corresponding to the zoom group element.
I still need to dig deeper into D3 to understand the reasoning behind why it is sometimes preferable to pass the node rather than the D3 object itself.
Zoom and Pan Methods
We’ve seen that we can manipulate the canvas by manipulating the transform
attribute. Now we’re going to add methods and behaviors so that these manipulations will occur in response to user gestures.
As with the SVGCanvas.addRect
methods from part 1, I’m going to specify zoom and pan methods in a sort-of hacky way. We’ll add a new property–SVGCanvas.zoomPan
–that will have methods for zooming and panning the canvas. Then we’ll add new behaviors to the canvas that call these methods.
Let’s start out by defining what should happen on zoom. Below I’ve set up the basic structure of the SVGCanvas
method that defines both the zooming and panning function.
Notice that we again need to be careful about setting the context. We set self = this
, where this
is the SVGCanvas
The zoom function proper begins on line 6. In principle, this could be a one-liner. Among other things, a zoom
event will return information about the shifting and scaling that results from the event.
I’m still a bit murky on how this works.
That is, it will return an x
, y
, and k
that we can use to specify the zoom group’s transform
attribute a la translate(x, y) scale(k)
. We can access this information via d3.event.transform
. We’ll store the information in the property self.transform
for later.
1 SVGCanvas.prototype.makeZoomPan = function() {
2 // Defines zooming and panning behavior from zoom listener
4 var self = this;
6 zoom = function() {
7 // What should happen when the wheel is scrolled?
8 // Register transformation from event
9 self.transform = d3.event.transform;
10 // Modify `transform` property of zoom-group
11 self.zoomG.attr('transform', self.transform);
13 // Go back to initial position if zoomed out.
14 if (d3.event.transform.k === 1) {
15 self.zoomG
16 .transition(d3.transition() // Make movement less jerky
17 .duration(100)
18 .ease(d3.easeLinear))
19 .attr('transform', 'translate(0,0) scale(1)');
21 self.transform.x = 0;
22 self.transform.y = 0;
23 self.transform.k = 1;
24 }
25 }
27 var pan = function() {
28 //...
29 }
31 self.zoomPan = {zoom: zoom, pan: pan};
33 }
The next step is just to modify the transform
attribute of the zoom group (line 11). In version 4 of D3 we can simply pass d3.event.transform
as the argument and be done with it.
How does that work? Here’s my impression: The second argument of self.zoomG.attr(...)
requires a string. When we pass an object the parser will look to see if the object has a .toString
method. So, for example, if h = 5
then calling h.toString()
will return the character “5”. The d3.event.transform.toString()
method returns "translate(" + this.x + "," + this.y + ") scale(" + this.k + ")"
. So, in short, if d3.event.x = 5
, d3.event.y = 6
, and d3.event.k = 2
we get translate(5,6) scale(2)
So the one-liner version of this is self.zoomG.attr('transform', d3.event.transform)
Now let’s turn to the part beginning in line 14. The idea behind this block is to reset the canvas positioning whenever we’re zoomed out completely. In short, it tests whether the scale is 1 (the minimum scaling level from .scaleExtent([1, 10])
). If it is, we change the transform property of the zoom group element so that the translation is (0,0)
(i.e. no translation). In lines 16-18 we use D3 transitions to make the canvas slide into the new position quickly (in 100ms) but gracefully. We then manually reset the properties of self.transform
to the specified coordinates.
In an earlier version of this code I tried resetting self.transform
by calling d3.zoomTransform(this.zoomG.node())
. This produced some odd behavior that I won’t get into. It now occurs to me that this probably doesn’t work because d3.zoomTransform(this.zoomG.node())
was called at some point in the 100ms during which the smooth transition was occurring. Thus, the new self.transform
reflected the transform at some point along the transformation point rather than at x=0, y=0, k=1
The pan
method will be triggered by a drag event. As with the zoom
method the basic idea will be to modify the transform
attribute of the zoom group element (line 9).
What should the new transform
be? Among other things, the d3.event
object that is generated by a drag
event has properties–.dx
and .dy
–related to how much the mouse has moved in each direction since the last time the event was triggered. We know the initial transform
of the zoom group is from the self.transform
property. We can then update this property using d3.event.dx
and d3.event.dy
1 SVGCanvas.prototype.makeZoomPan = function() {
2 // ...
4 var pan = function() {
5 self.transform.x += d3.event.dx;
6 self.transform.y += d3.event.dy;
8 // Update Attribute
9 d3.select('g.zoom-group').attr('transform', self.transform);
10 }
12 // ...
14 }
Concluding Remarks
That’s it! To summarize, we’ve added panning and zooming to our still-rudimentary drawing app. The main ideas that I’ve introduced to do this were:
- Routing methods to handle complex events (e.g. shift + drag).
- Selective “silencing” of event handlers associated with D3 events (e.g. zoom but don’t pan).
- Use of the
attribute ofsvg
In the next part we’ll make it possible to moving and resize rectangles that we’ve already created.